What to expect...

In this course, what you can expect to receive is some resources and tools that you can use to build confidence within yourself, as well as ways that you can be building confidence in children that you work with.

  • your role as a childcare leader

  • self confidence and outer confidence

  • building confidence within yourself

  • building confidence in others

Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Welcome to Building Confidence in Childcare Leaders

    • Territory Acknowledgement

  2. 2
    • Your Role as a Childcare Leader

    • Slides

  3. 3
    • Self Confidence and Outer Confidence

    • Slides

  4. 4
    • Building Confidence Within Yourself

    • Slides

  5. 5
    • Building Confidence in Children and Others

    • Slides

  6. 6
    • Congratulations!


Rogers Society

Rogers Society is a Community Centre located in Victoria, British Columbia that offers community programming, facility rentals, and out of school care.